Five common myths about programming and programmers that are not true


Programmers make our lives easier by creating technology we can use in our everyday lives. Without them, we would be lost. We rely on them to design everything from the apps we use to the websites we visit. They are the ones who make sure that everything runs smoothly and that we can get the most out of our devices.   

There are common misconceptions about computer programmers and software engineers, which create misconceptions that are not true. Myths have the power to affect every individual’s decision and perception at one point or another. The most common image of a programmer is someone who spends all day, every day, hunched over a computer, probably in a dark room, eating pizza and drinking soft drinks, with no contact with the outside world. This is far from the truth. The reality is that programmers come from all walks of life and work in various industries. In this blog, we intend to clarify some misconceptions about programmers and programming.  

  1.  Programmers are antisocial  

It is commonly believed that all programmers are introverted, socially awkward geniuses that spend all their time in front of a computer screen. People perceive programmers as being antisocial, reclusive nerds who never leave their comfort zone.  

Well, this is rarely the case, and this claim is far from the truth. In reality, programmers come from all walks of life and have a wide range of interests. For instance, our programmers here at Brandenburg Labs widely enjoy working with others and engaging in adventurous indoor and outdoor activities with their colleagues and friends. In fact, our programmers appreciate the warm and collaborative atmosphere as well as the cohesion of the team.   

  1. Programming is boring  

Among the widely believed misconception about programming and programmers, people also assume that programming is a tedious job and that programmers do not have hobbies, do not engage in creative work, and spend all their time in front of the computer screen. This is not true. Such a myth can negatively influence people who aspire to be a programmer but have heard many stereotypical claims and fears facing the same situation.  

Contrary to this myth, programming is not a boring job. In fact, it can be quite exciting and rewarding. Programming is a vast industry with innumerable opportunities and choices. Among other interesting activities, programmers create, design, and implement amazing technology that makes our lives easier.   

  1. Programming is for the genius   

It is a wide misconception that programmers need to be genius with extraordinary talent and ability to do mathematics. This is not entirely true. You do not have to be extraordinarily smart to be a programmer. Successful programmers can be simply people who have learned to use programming tools to solve problems.  

Even though having basic algebra in mathematics can help, programmers use libraries and plugins to directly apply them to their codes to help solve mathematical and algorithmic problems. However, the field does not require advanced mathematical calculations or knowledge of physics.   

  1. Programmers must learn only the best programming languages  

It is not known where this strange myth came from; however, it is far from valid. While there are many different programming languages, developers should learn the programming language that best suits them. Some languages are better for more complex problems, while others are more suited for more simplistic trials. There is no such language that is better than all the others, but there is certainly a language that is better for individual cases 

For example, HTML, CSS, and JavaScrip can be used by website developers, whereas C++ and java are useful for desktop applications. For mobile application development, programmers widely use Swift or Kotlin. The choices are limitless, and one should not limit learning only ‘the best’ programming languages.    

Our programmers commonly use Rust, which is a very versatile language and can be used for web development, scientific computing, artificial intelligence, and more.    

  1. Women cannot code  

This is definitely a myth, especially thinking about talented female programmers who are known in IT history. In fact, the first programmer was a woman named Ada Lovelace.  

Women can be great programmers. You have probably heard of Grace Hopper, who is credited with creating the first computer program, and Ada Lovelace, who created the first compiler, but many more women have made significant contributions to the field of computer programming.  

Here at Brandenburg Labs, we believe that women in technology are the future and our team is the perfect example of this. We have talented female programmers dedicated to creating innovative and user-friendly software.  

In today’s society, there are more opportunities than ever before for women to pursue careers in programming. According to reports, the number of women entering professional computing occupations is slowly rising as more women become interested in coding and other computer-related fields. Despite the progress that has been made, there is still a long way to go in terms of gender equality in the programming industry.  

Finally, we hope this blog post can help you clear up some myths you might have against programmers and the programming field in general. Make sure to read the impressive journeys of our programmers at; and follow us on LinkedIn to get the latest news of what we have been doing.   
